Norwegian Championship and South-America tour
On the 10th June, I added a 2nd Norwegian Championship to my resume. In front of the crowd at Parkteatret in Oslo, now former champion Jon "Big John" Veivåg failed to lift his hand when I had him in a sleeper-like hold. I am no longer a popular man in Oslo. NWF had two events this day, and on the evenining show, I defeated Talentfulle Thomas by countout. I was sitting comfortably in a chair in the middle of the ring whilst veteran referee Thomas Andresen counted out my opponent. I am the "icon" of Norwegian wrestling and the fans in Oslo hate me more and more for that reason....
In July, a moment I have waited long for is about to become reality. I have been in talks before about wrestling in various places around the world over the years, and finally I am about to wrestle outside Europe for the first time. Near the end of July, I go on a 2 week tour to South-America. I am really excited about this although the setting will be completely different to what I am used to. However, one of my best skills as a wrestler, at least in my mind, is that I am able to adjust to different opponents and styles. In addition to that, I am also a tecnically sound wrestler who have had great focus on the fundamentals over the years. I look forward to this opportunity and chance to display my skills outside Europe. I will not disclose much more at this moment, but there are talks of arenas housing upto 10.000 fans and TV tapings! I have been in talks about this tour since April, and this past weekend I received my flight reservations and everything is set to happen!